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[tlug] Re: IPv6

Jim Breen writes:
 > "Stephen J. Turnbull" <> thoughtlessly dashed off:
 > > The amazing thing about the Internet is not that it works, but that it
 > > mostly works by design.
 > However, compared to the traditional ways of building up network
 > technologies and standards, the standout thing about the Internet
 > is that it was "design lite".

 > All in all, it represented a huge paradigm shift in terms of building
 > something large and complex.

We're in violent agreement.

Remember, I'm an economist so I'm not talking about design of network
protocols, I'm talking about design of engineering protocols.  The
early researchers were a bunch of dope-smoking wackos socially as well
as electronically[1] and they deliberately designed anarchy into the
process.  Your "huge paradigm shift" was deliberate, AFAIK.

Very cool, is all I can say about that.

[1]  AFAICT, not having met anybody of that vintage except Jim B ;-),
although I now have a Kibo distance of 1 to Vint Cerf ... YOW!

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