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RE: [tlug] xen and windows

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [ Behalf Of
> Shawn
> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 10:20 AM
> To: Tokyo Linux Users Group
> Subject: Re: [tlug] xen and windows

My question is simple.  :P  If you are running a high end dual or quad core processer, or two processers for that matter, and scads of ram (about four gigs or so), would you be able to run 3D games under windows while it is virtualized?


My only reasons for using Windows are to stay up to date on that side of the software market, and Games. ^^;;  No real purpose beyond those two things.

If people would start porting MMO's to Linux, then I could do away with Windows almost entirely (And no, WINE truely is not an option yet.  It is a nice fantasy, but at this stage it is still just that).


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