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Re: [tlug] Video Editing on Linux - a front-runner IMHO


The bit I'm interested in is the switch (transition?) from track to track.
I think I understand what you're talking about.

Basically, what you do in a situation like this put each video clip into a separate track, and line them up so that they all match in terms of timing with your audio.

Then, to switch back and forth between them, you simply show and hide them when and where you want.

In Adobe Premiere, this would be accomplished by toggling the track visibility on and off. I can't find any such visibility toggle in Kdenlive.

However, just by poking around for a minute, one way to do this in Kdenlive is to use their "Split Clip" function to divide each track up into segments, and then remove the segments you don't want to see. A clip within a timeline that is edited this way still refers back to the original clip, so you can move and resize the visible sections in order to tweak the exact timing without ever having lost any data.

An opacity slider or visibility toggle would be a little easier, IMHO, and something similar might exist in Kdenlive, as I'm still getting familiar with it. But in any case, what you're trying to do is entirely possible.

Hope that is clear. It will probably be more clear once you use the interface a bit, and you'll see what I mean a little more clearly.

Dave M G

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