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Re: [tlug] MACH BOOT

2007/9/12, Jun OKAJIMA <>:
>     1.  Booting fast, usually within 10 secs from x48 CD-ROM drive.
It is real! So fast

>     2.  Launching apps is also fast. Almost same as from HDD.
It is.

>     3.  Customizable. You can make it "MACH" with any distribution,
>         including your original one.
Where can I find it?

>     4.  (Hopefully) Better PnP than KNOPPIX.
>         This feature is not sure for now --- I just have tested on only a few PCs.

MACH + Portable softwares on a network storage is a cool solution. It
zeros the mente time of SAs and/or users. I hope such day will come
blowing apt-get, yum, ebuild away

Best Regards,
Nguyen Hung Vu
An inquisitive look at Harajuku

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