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Re: [tlug] NTT Hikari Fiber - Does it "Just Work" with Linux (Kubuntu)? さんは書きました:
> Assuming the router is secure.  If it is a hardware router that does not
> have security patches provided by the vendor then you are SOL.
For me, a routers in the market is just a blackbox with some rules of
iptable or ipchain inside. Like other "idiot" users, I just think that
crackers has to break the router first before touching computers behind
the routers :D

> Yodobashi generally has at least one person with a clue, or with the
> ability to get the answers you need (ask for help in Japanese).  I
> actually found them more useful then the dion Hikari One support line
> which wouldn't forward my call because I had previously used them and
> couldn't remember my old account number.
Exactly what was happened to me. The first saleman I was talking to
knows nothing about computer. The next saleman had better knowledge on
computer and he could answer all the questions I have asked.

I think because Yodobashi rarely meets geek customers like me, so it
only has a few "key person" who has deep understanding on computer.

> I think the thing Lyle's friend is experiencing is more to do with the
> nature of the mansion plan.  It cost NTT less for every extra person
> they can connect through the same fiber.

Not so on-topic but do you know if this applies to mobile phones?
What happens when the number of the mobile phones in the network increased?

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