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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Josh Glover
> Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 11:31 AM
> On 23/08/07, Curt Sampson <> wrote:
> This has been true in every IT department I've ever been a 
> part of. MS is something that is usually foisted on IT 
> departments, and Microsoft is the *last* consulting company 
> that would be hired to do systems integration.

MS on system integration.
We have four "products"....
We have a Basic compiler, a C++ Compiler, an OS, and an office suite (thus the quotes).

They all LOOK alike!!!! They are integrated. *grins*
Or so they seem to think.

Now, try installing all of the above on the same machine,
 and see if everything runs as expected.  ^^;;
I am sure they are probably getting better, but they had
Severe issues in past with running VB and IE on the same
machine.  ^^;;

And if you upgrade any one of these parts, say for instance
the email client that comes with the office suite, you can
expect that several other parts will break.  :(  I am stuck
with Win2K in the office, so I am still stuck with the set
of software that was least friendly to playing nice with
others.  Non-MS software runs just fine.  :P It is only the
MS stuff that runs into problems. ^^;;

Ironic, ne?


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