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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Re: [tlug-admin] TLUG Articles: "Windows Is Free: The impact of pirated software on free software", by Dave Gutteridge
- Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 21:12:05 +0900
- From: Edward Middleton <>
- Subject: [tlug] Re: [tlug-admin] TLUG Articles: "Windows Is Free: The impact of pirated software on free software", by Dave Gutteridge
- References: <> <> <> <> <>
- User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070713)
Josh Glover wrote:On 13/08/07, Edward Middleton <> wrote:
I think we really need to use articles for the canonical URI. The canonical URI should be meaningful. articles/xxx tells us that xxx is an article identified by xxx. pub doesn't really tell us anything we about the xxx resource.
Well, I was thinking about "pub" as being short for "publications", but if you think article is better, that is cool.
OK, my first thought was pub as in the public folder on an ftp site. Publications to me, tends to suggests that the article has been published in a technical journal.
So should the keitai URI be or articles is just too long.
Is the issue inputing the URI or size limits for URI length?
My first preference would be to have the URI's the same and have them redirected to the appropriate file by a parameter, something like.
# keitai version permanent redirect -> [1] server side rewrite ->
# full size html version server side rewrite ->
This would give us a simple approach for adding new serializations or even translations. i.e.
Japanese translation
> a) you serve mobile and PC content from separate URIs, and
Curt, when you talked about having separate URI for mobile and content was this because content negotiation doesn't work or are there other issues. Would the above approach work?
1. There should be a parameter for specifying a specific display device. I couldn't find it with a quick google.
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