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Re: [tlug] [OT] Good IT Resume

Curt Sampson writes:

 > That is the case, yes. But that misses the point of what I'm trying to
 > get at: is it possible to create a specification for TCP/IP that out of
 > code, or at the very least, replace part of the prose with code?

Of course, and it's often done.  How often do you see RFCs or W3C
standards that say "you can implement it with this code, but you don't
have to as long as the value of the function is identical"?

It's simply not a good idea in general, because code is guaranteed to
overspecify, and dependencies will arise on the incorrect
overspecification.  At that point you need to tell the authors of the
dependencies that *they* must fix their code, because the
implementations of the standard need to progress to the next
refinement and it doesn't support what they are doing.

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