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- Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 12:58:54 +0900 (JST)
- From: Curt Sampson <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] [OT] Good IT Resume
- References: <> <> <>
On Mon, 23 Jul 2007, Josh Glover wrote:
Of course. Joel has a interesting and amusing look at his process here:
Though I don't agree with a lot of his other thoughts, Joel is dead on with this.
2. Ask for code samples, and read them.This is a very good idea....
I should mention that this, like a resume, is more a tool for screening out the obviously bad candidates than finding the good ones. It's rare you're going to get something large and complex enough that you can see whether the guy is really good or not (though if you get almost anything in Haskell, that would be a pretty big plus). But I've been able to rule candidates that looked good on the resume when I get Java along the lines of
Statement statement = null; // Create Statement object.
It sometimes truly astonishes me how far wrong someone can go in one incredibly simple line of code. The three big red flags right there (and there were a couple more if you put it into the context of the entire file) were enough to get the candidate instantly disqualified.
I have people write code as part of the interview (and I certainly will not stop doing that)....
Actually, I'd be happy to do it in a TDD environment. It's the "keep all of this in your head" whiteboard style of programming thing that bugs me; why should I have to do that when a computer can do it for me?
Particularly what I would miss from TDD is, once you've gotten to a certain point, the ability to chuck all your (non-test) code away and start again, and know that all of your debugging and testing effort is still there working away for you. I often find it faster to rewrite something from scratch a couple of times than to try and keep hacking on the same piece of code trying to find or fix that one subtle bug.
...[the interviews] are designed to make you sweat, but we don't really care that your answers are correct, we care that you display a robust analytical process under pressure.
Ah, well that I'm confident I do.
YMMV, but I think for Amazon and Google, "get the details of this algorithm right (enough) in the next 15 minutes" *is* a fairly realistic simulation of how the work environment can get.
Well, I get in those situations, too, though fairly rarely. But does your process start with, "create a test case to demonstrate the bug?"
My general strategy, after I get that done, is often, "hack anything stupid at all, with or without understanding, that makes all the test cases pass, and then roll the darn thing out." Truly understanding why the bug is there, and rewriting all the parts of the system appropriately, comes at leisure after that.
I guess in my experience, bugs come in two kinds. One is a "silly" bug with a trivial fix, these sort of "oops, I forgot that" things don't require much thought or analytical skill at all.
The other kind is an "I misrepresented this system in some key (though perhaps subtle) way," and those often require a lot of thought and discussion, and often lead to massive rewrites touching many classes. An example of this might be the realization that, from the point of view of your system, the phone number "12345" is two distinct numbers, one that called Joe last January, and one that calls Bill now.
4. Pair programming. Each candidate comes in for an afternoon, I pair up with him, and we spend the afternoon working together on our production code.
If you've drunk the XP kool-aid...
Which comes in many yummy flavours!
Do you require your candidates to sign NDAs? Or is all of your code Open Source?
I've done it both ways. And depending on the situation, I may pick less sensitive source to work on, hack on some open source stuff, or even just sit down and do the bowling game <>.
This would never work at Amazon or Google, for two reasons: 1. We have enough candidates that this would be a serious time sink, even if it were the last stage in the interview process. For example, my team currently has six open positions (in Seattle, sorry guys--unless someone wants to move to the US), and if I had to find six or more afternoons to work with a candidate like this, I'd never meet any of my deadlines. 2. Our code is quite proprietary, meaning we would have to get iron-clad NDAs from candidates, which no-one in their right mind would sign. I personally say "thanks, but no thanks" to any employer that makes signing an NDA a term of interviewing there.
Well, perhaps you should try looking at this from a different point of view.
First of all, you're not signing an NDA to do an interview; the interview is already done. This coding section would be the final stage before job acceptance; at this point you're as confident as you can get (through interviews, checking references, and so on) that the candidate is the one for you. So the real question here is, "do I hire him now, or do I do this pair programming afternoon first?"
In that light, the NDA isn't an issue, because if you hired him right now he'd have to sign that NDA anyway. Nor, for that matter, is spending an afternoon with the guy, since if you hired him now you'd have to have someone do that anyway (not to mention a few more days beyond that) in order to get him up to speed.
So all you're really doing here is all of the same stuff you'd do if you hired him right away, but delaying the actually hiring by an afternoon. If the candidate works out, nothing has really changed; in fact, with any luck, you can get HR to start processing the papers backdated to the next day so that he can come in the next morning and continue working. If it doesn't work out, however, you've saved yourself a bunch of bureaucratic and other hassles by not having to do a whole hire/termination process for the candidate. (Note, though, that I'd still have a one month to six week "termination without cause" period in the employment contract to deal with issues that might take longer to arise.)
Particularly the way I work, this is also as much to give the candidate a chance to back out as it is to give me a chance to evaluate him. There are a lot of smart people out there who've never done serious pair programming, and they really do need a chance to see what it's like in a fairly intensive environment. Some people are just not suited to it, and it's a sad waste on both sides to hire someone who sits there and mopes for a month before everybody decides to chuck the investment and part ways.
If I were looking at a really serious investment to bring someone in, for example, bringing someone to Japan with all of the attendant visa issues, relocation expenses, etc., I'd think about stretching out this "interview" process to a week or so.
cjs -- Curt Sampson <> +81 90 7737 2974 Mobile sites and software consulting:
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- Re: [tlug] [OT] Good IT Resume
- From: Josh Glover
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- [tlug] [OT] Good IT Resume
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- Re: [tlug] [OT] Good IT Resume
- From: Curt Sampson
- Re: [tlug] [OT] Good IT Resume
- From: Josh Glover
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