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Re: [tlug] Japanese in Xandros

Scott Robbins wrote:
On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 01:00:35PM +0900, CL wrote:
Scott Robbins wrote:
On Thu, Jul 19, 2007 at 11:23:25AM +0900, CL wrote:
Scott Robbins wrote:
Yer gonna luv this ... did an apt-get install and Xandros can't find scim-anthy. At all. Anywhere. Try an apt-get install scim and Xandros installs v.1.0.2 (from some time in early 2004 -- the Real World latest stable is v1.4.7). Try apt-get install anthy and get anthy 6300 (latest stable is anthy 9100).

Hrrm, ok, not good.

~I~ like Stephen's suggestion, use another flavor of Debian. I'm honestly not sure what to suggest. Almost all the distributions
that I've played with in the last 6 months had a package for scim-anthy
which would pull in scim and anthy. None, of course, were as old as the
versions you mention--they might not have had the very latest versions,
but they were relatively up to date.

Okay, this reply is sort of buggaired up (as the French say) as it's my first experience with IceDove and it isn't a happy meeting, so far.

Taking your advice, booted into Debian 4.0, set my language choices in Regional Settings for US English, Japanese Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified. Installed a workable copy of IceWeasel and IceDove and got my mail.

Now I did "apt-get install ..." for:

scim and got 1.4.7
anthy and got 7300
scim-anthy and got 1.2.2

I also found that I needed to also reconfigure locales. When I made the new locale package I selected "none" of my choices to be the default.

Running your tests:

locale -a|grep ja_JP


pgrep scim

<nothing happens>

scim -d

Smart Common Input Method 1.4.4

Launching a SCIM process with x11...
Loading simple Config module ...
Creating backend ...
Loading x11 FrontEnd module ...
GTK Panel of SCIM 1.4.4

Starting SCIM as daemon ...
SCIM has been successfully launched.

$ export XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM"
$ export LC_TYPE=ja_JP.utf8
$ uxterm

<uxterm window opens>
<echo commands work>

shift+space (tried from this window, console, and uxterm window)

<nothing happens> (x3)

Well, got farther down the road in Debian 4.0 but still hit the wall ...

pages that offer four or five servers. I have looked for information on how to input targets and can find where to make the entry but not how to state the location.

Not knowing Xandros, I can't be sure, but is it possible that they have additional sources (possibly listed on their web sites or forums) that you can add to their /etc/apt/sources.list?
Since I am so good at playing stupid, I can ask.

Last feeble hope would be that all three programs had a .deb package.

Shirley, you jest.


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