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Re: [tlug] Japanese in Xandros

Scott Robbins writes:

 > > Creating backend ...
 > > Loading x11 FrontEnd module ...
 > This is not good.

Well, for starters, SCIM's packager obviously sucks pondwater up a
straw.  A decent script would indicate completion of the tasks.  It's
not obvious whether the FrontEnd module loaded or if the hang was in
the load.

Is X even running?  Can you connect to the server as whatever user
SCIM is running as?

Does "scim -d" (I assume the "-d" is for "debug") support higher
levels of debugging (multiple -d, or a numeric argument to -d)?


 > installed from source.   (That's my prejudice speaking, it's not always
 > the case, but my own experience indicates that ArchLinux, Slackware
 > and their derivatives are the ones most likely to successfully compile
 > from source.  I'm sure the Debian gurus would disagree.)  :)

Depends on what you mean by "compile from source".  Just getting a
build in /usr/local/src to install to /usr/local, I've never had
trouble on Debian (that wasn't a generic problem with upstream).

Debian source packages can be annoying because they often require a
pile of Debian utilities and tricky command lines (for example, why
dh-install doesn't automatically do a fakeroot if available is beyond

The problems I have (and there have been quite a few) almost
invariably start with dependency installation (even if it's deb-src)
and at runtime (when my local build isn't found or lacks some feature
that Debian has randomly decided is a "must").  On the other hand,
these are usually trivially solvable at the expense of some time and
net throughput.  Eg, deb dependency Emacs Lisp packages that refuse to
believe that XEmacs is installed can be installed by hand, that kind
of thing.

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