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Re: [tlug] Japanese in Xandros

On Thu, Jul 19, 2007 at 01:02:52PM +0900, CL wrote:
> Scott Robbins wrote:
> Here are the results apres changes recommended by Keith:

> >locale -a | grep ja_JP
> ja_JP
> ja_JP.eucjp
> ja_JP.ujis
> ja_JP.utf8

Ok, that part is better.  :)

> >$ pgrep scim

As per the earlier email, forget the $.  

> Launching a SCIM daemon with Socket FrontEnd...
> Loading simple Config module ...
> Creating backend ...
> Loading socket FrontEnd module ...
> Starting SCIM as daemon ...
> Launching a SCIM process with x11...
> Loading socket Config module ...
> Creating backend ...
> Loading x11 FrontEnd module ...

This is not good.

> ... which makes me think we're back in the same place after a slightly better 
> start.
More or less, but at least we have the locale. 

Have you tried reinstalling scim and company with apt-get yet? 

Also, it's unusual for uxterm to not be found. Please try

which uxterm

and see if you get a response. 

If you get nothing, or command not found, then we'll have to install a
terminal that's definitely capable of doing Japanese.  I would recommend
urxvt, as it has fewer dependencies than many others.  (The gnome and
KDE terminals can do it, as a rule, but we don't yet know that much
about Xandros, so it makes an error due to term type less likely.)

If, after typing which uxterm, you get nothing or command not found,
please try to install urxvt.  Of course, it's not called urxvt, that
would be simple.  You would do

apt-get install rxvt-unicode

As for scim and company, I'd like to see what happens after you
uninstall scim, scim-anthy and anthy and reinstall them with apt-get. 
Debian based distributions seem to often have trouble with things
installed from source.   (That's my prejudice speaking, it's not always
the case, but my own experience indicates that ArchLinux, Slackware
and their derivatives are the ones most likely to successfully compile
from source.  I'm sure the Debian gurus would disagree.)  :)

So, there are a few separate issues.  

Assuming you have uxterm or are able to install rxvt-unicode with
apt-get, the next step is to get scim running.  

If you do (I'll be going to sleep shortly, so won't see results till
tomorrow) then, open up urxvt or uxterm (remember, it's installed as
rxvt-unicode but called with the command of urxvt) try what I suggested
last time, open up the unicode capable terminal, i.e., uxterm or urxvt
and do (for purposes of this example, we'll use urxvt)

export XMODIFIERS='@im=SCIM'
export LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.utf8

In the new terminal, make sure that the settings you just exported are

echo $LC_CTYPE

If you get the responses you want, i.e., im=SCIM and ja_JP.utf8, AND if
scim launched successfully, then you can hit shift+space and see if
you're able to input Japanese.


Scott Robbins

PGP keyID EB3467D6
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Buffy: Have a sentence even. 

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