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Re: [tlug] Video Editing Soft & Formats

On 7/17/07, Dave M G <> wrote:
First, in consideration of Mencoder and ffmpeg. I am not an enemy of the
command line just on principle. I do feel command lines have their
place. However, I don't think video or graphics is one of them. Graphics
are, by definition, a visual medium. Using pure text to manipulate
images is like talking over the phone to tell someone how to paint a

This applies even if you're doing something as seemingly simple as
converting video files from one format to another. Because of aspect
ratios, frame rates, audio and video codecs, file formats, and other
issues, the output can be different from what you expected. And
different video content will compress differently, meaning there is no
easy way to assume results.

I use mencoder for all of my video transcoding needs. I will transcode (audio and video) in one terminal. Let it run for a few seconds and then start to watch the output using mplayer in real time.

This way I can see the results as I go. If I do not like what I see or
hear, I stop the run, tweak the settings and off I go again.

Works for me, but all I'm doing is transcoding (often whilst doing
some re-sizing, deinterlacing and so on, but still pretty simple

I know there are gui tools to do this, but I cannot see the point for
such a simple task. If I wanted to actually edit the video then I
would not be using the CLI either.

Regards, Keith

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