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Re: [tlug] Re: Open Office Kanji problem

Gernot Hassenpflug wrote:
steven smith <> wrote:

I just opened Open Office for the first time.  It doesn't
seem to handle Kanji.   I used Koichi Mincho font and in a
straight text file this works fine.   This is in Open Office
2.2  as installed with the Ubuntu 7.04 release right out of
t>he box.A I get some nice little boxes but no text.
Cut/past from Firefox behaves the same.

Sounds like the classic setup issue: AFAIK you need to go to the Language Settings (Tools/Options) in OO general language options, and enable Asian languages and choose Japanese (if you want a default as well). Then restart OO, and go to OO Writer options where you should now have a new option called "Asian fonts (basic)", and choose some Asian fonts there.

This was indeed the problem. How ever, on windows this was something I never had to do. Also, I chose the koichi mincho because I knew that this particular font handled kanji fine. I don't believe I had to do anything special when using the windows version of OO. And actually, unless I'm doing vertical text layour or something special to asian languages, I don't understand why you would have to do this. But it fixed my problem and right now I don't think I'm going to worry about it.

Thanks for the help!

Steve S.

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