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Re: [tlug] Re: [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard

On Mon, 09 Jul 2007 16:37:43 +0900, "Stephen J. Turnbull"
<> wrote:

> The "Microsoft tax" was a clear violation from day one, an intentional
> foul.  But "browser in the OS"?  Worth a try.  Doesn't Linux have
> "webserver in the OS"?  Maybe that should be illegal, too?  (Not! but
> you do see the analogy I'm drawing, right?)

But the analogy is flawed right from the outset.

IE is deeply embedded into the O/S and the GUI. Basically, it can't be
removed because there are so many other things dependent on it. The
"webserver in the O/S" is a non-problem in that it can be uninstalled
with no ill effect on the rest of the system and a replacement

G. Stewart -

It's always a long day; 86400 doesn't fit into a short.

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