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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
- Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2007 02:04:13 +0900
- From: Jean-Christophe Helary <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
- References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
On 5 juil. 07, at 01:39, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Jean-Christophe Helary writes:
I don't see the connection. I can see that there's a threat to biodiversity and that there is a definite resemblance of the role of Monsanto in this to the pusher distributing heroin to kids in the schoolyard, but the technology itself is clearly patent-worthy (if anything is), and is not a matter of "patenting genes".
I think I am trying to make a parallel between the "virality" of living processes and of GPL software.
The patent here is not what I intended to point at.
I rather meant that here, you have a (IP protected) process that removes the "virality" from the seeding (open) process and thus it lock the "free" DNA code into an unopenable object that serves as a commodity.
It is not possible to say that such a technical appropriation of the process is theft, since other seeds are still available and since the object provides "new" functions. And I am really at loss to find an appropriate word here.
But I feel that there is something deeply wrong here.
If Monsanto provided the method to create such seeds (contribute back) then people who be free to choose: use/don't use, implement/ don't implement. And it is likely that common sense would keep those seeds out of the market. But Monsanto has ways to force the closed product on the market and used that as a competitive advantage, rather than the quality of the product itself.
Just like closed software tries to create a situation of dependancy.
I just watched that video of Moglen the other day and he talked about mathematics and code. And I found that extremely convincing.
Besides, in the current capitalist system, property is not a neutral concept. Property is used _for_ the reproduction of capital as well as to alienate the non proprietor. So trying to tilt the balance to favor, even a tiny bit, the non-proprietor seems to me like a moral thing to do.
But I am way past bed time...
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- References:
- [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
- From: Pietro Zuco
- Re: [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
- From: Josh Glover
- Re: [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
- From: Dave Gutteridge
- Re: [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- Re: [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
- From: Curt Sampson
- Re: [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- Re: [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
- From: Darren Cook
- Re: [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
- From: Jean-Christophe Helary
- Re: [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- Re: [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
- From: Jean-Christophe Helary
- Re: [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- Re: [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
- From: Jean-Christophe Helary
- Re: [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
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