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Re: [tlug] Tool for compare Linux and BSD distros

On 7/2/07, Pietro Zuco <> wrote:

I don't know how reliable it is, anyway I think it's interesting.

I disgree in one thing:

Comparing boot time by default configuration doesn't make sense.

From biz P.O.W, benchmarking server applications such as apache,
mysql, postgres..., kernel performance, networking speed .. will be
much more interesting.


System boot-up speed	

(rated 3/10) System boot-up is slow. Slower than most of the other
distributions. This is mostly due to a lot of server services loaded
by default. Using update-rc.d tool to remove unnecessary services can
help to make the OS snappier.

(rated 6/10) About 30 seconds, it depends on hardware configuration.
Clear and rich commented BSD startup scripts.

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