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Re: [tlug] Re: [tlug-admin] [Announcement] TLUG Technical Meeting 2007-7-14

Sorry, this was should have been sent to tlug-admin.


Edward Middleton wrote:
> Josh Glover wrote:
>> if we have a topic that just doesn't seem like it can hold the group's
>> interest for an hour; but that can be decided on a case-by-case basis.
> The goal of the lightning talks was not primarily to provide a
> opportunity for a "topic that just doesn't seem like it can hold the
> group's interest for an hour", though this is also important.  It was
> also to provide a chance to introduce new topics and get an idea about
> what people are interested in, preferably as a precursor to a full talk.
>  I would like to try and avoid situations like "good presentation but we
> already knew all about X and would have liked to hear more about Y", or
> "if we had known you were going to be focusing on X we could setup a
> demo for you", or "you might have been better to focus on X because it
> is important and difficult to understand".  Obviously making a wiki page
> describing what you will be presenting will also help with this to some
> degree but I think a quick talk will inspires much more useful feedback.
> Anyway lets see how we go.  While I would like to have more Lightning
> talks this time, if we can't find more interested speakers, the current
> schedule looks good.
> Edward

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