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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Re: cups and networking
- Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 12:30:01 +0900
- From: "Gernot Hassenpflug" <>
- Subject: [tlug] Re: cups and networking
Original message:From: Darren Cook <> Subject: [tlug] cups and networking
So, I got the Brother HL-2040, awfully exciting. It didn't quite auto-detect, but I got the test page printing locally from my server by installing the Brother RPMs, and following their instructions. I also added it to Samba but haven't tested if that works yet.
Cups lives on its own planet... I see that the printer works "mostly" under linux: and there is a PPD to download which you can use when you modify CUPS. You might try installing the printer as a duplicate and testing that PPD locally too.
You don't say what OS you use, I don't have experience with any RPM-based distro. Your linke for setup was for Solaris, oops, no idea. Maybe check the CUPS installation on the server to see whether you are allowing connections from the network. If that is so, you might be able to auto-discover the printer in the web-based CUPS setup when you say add printer (localhost:631).
It didn't complain, but when I try to print a test page I get: [Job 479] Network host 'myserver' is busy, down, or unreachable; will retry in 30 seconds...
I get that error sometimes if the printer setup is wrong (PPD incorrect, connection setting wrong), sometimes I get a backend failure.
Not much else I can advise right now, I'm tired of CUPS for the week :-) (spent a week getting all the printers, from Canon, Epson, Konica-Minolta, HP all recognized by my linux system, some people even came to thank me when they could print via my CUPS server... that was a pleasant reaction). -- Gernot Hassenpflug
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