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- Date: Mon, 07 May 2007 18:07:38 +0900
- From: "Erin D. Hughes" <>
- Subject: [tlug] OT:[Proctors Needed]
- Organization: UNIX TEAM ZERO
- User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070302)
I know this is more than a bit OT but some one asked me if I knew of some place to reach out to a bunch of Native English speakers. And hey who couldn't use 2 äåãThats a 500 gb SATA drive and some beers to drink while installing it.
Thanks, E./
Requirements: We are currently seeking 40 Native English Speakers with basic Japanese communication skill to proctor the TOEFL PBT Test.
Date: Sunday, June 3, 2007
Place : Aoyama university Sagamihara campus
Time: 11:30 to 16:00
Duties: You will be asked proctor the TOEFL test and read short scrip at the beginning and end each of the section.
We require that you be Native English speaker and responsible enough to come to the testing center on the testing day on time looking clean and presentable.
NOTE: You will be asked to read aloud in a room containing about 30-50 people.
Additional Requirements: There will be a brief 1 hour training period held at either Shinjuku or Ootemachi (Date and location to be determined at a later date) approximately 1 week before the test date.
Pay:20,000 yen*
Your payment will be broken down as such
5000 yen for the 1 hour of training.
15000 yen for proctoring of the test.
*You will be expected to pay your own train fair and secure your own meals. Payment will be deposited in to your local bank account on or around the 29th of June.
For details about TOEFL PBT test
For more information or to sign up please contact Asano Yoko at
Erin D. Hughes GMO Internet,
Unix Administrator | +81 (0)3 -5456-2687 ext 1038 (work)
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo | +81 (0)80-1218-1325 (cell)
Japan | (MSN Messanger)
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