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Re: [tlug] Presentation suggestion for the next meeting...


> > I should have said "creating a small database application" as 
> > painlessly as painlessly as possible.  

in java -

... sophisticated web-based database driven applications in very short
time and with very little efforts. ...conceptually similar to RAD -
database building tools such as Microsoft Access (for Windows-based
applications) or Sybase PowerSite (for web-based applications).

java in linux though is a bit of a hassle at the moment though.  Sun
shoulda gpl'd it long ago...

> Thoughts?

Um, I fished a Japanese sounding email address out of the XEN list and
sure enough the developer is in Tokyo.

His team is developing Xenoppix but not developing Xen itself.
He mentioned being willing to talk about the usage of Xenoppix.



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