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[tlug] Linux on Japanese TV News

mcooper writes:

 > each department because documents from the national government  
 > agencies does not always open on Linux.

Nor on Mac, for that matter.

 > The reporting was very much focused on the movement toward open  
 > document formats, and they stated that MS Japan promised to make  
 > Office compatible with open doc within months.

Note that this is related to the "Microsoft Astroturfs Wikipedia"
thread.  Specifically, OOXML stands for Office Open XML, which
Microsoft claims is upwardly compatible with Open Document Format.
I suspect their move to OOXML is what they mean by "compatible".

Expect blood to flow.

 > the focus was very much on the civil servants using OOo in the City  
 > Hall. The head of tech there is holding plenty of workshops to help  
 > the workers get used to the new interface.

Wow.  They must have *nice* machines.  I find OOo unbearably slow,
even compared to MS Office on a 1GHz Mac; I can't imagine trying to
use it to Do Real Work.

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