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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] VNC and security
- Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 09:36:17 +0900
- From: Dave M G <>
- Subject: [tlug] VNC and security
- User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061117)
Recently, I've been using VNC to collaborate on PHP coding. For those who might be unfamiliar with VNC (though I'm sure almost all of you are), VNC allows people to log into a machine over the internet and see the desktop and use the mouse as if they were in front of the machine themselves.
I always manually turn on the VNC server on my machine to allow the other person to see my desktop before each session. And, at the end of each session, I close the remote desktop access.
Over the holidays, I'm going to be away for a couple of weeks, and I was thinking I might be kind of cool to be able to log into my own machine from time to time.
This would mean leaving the remote desktop open, and setting it to be accessed by password.
My question is whether or not this is a security risk or not. Is VNC with password protection secure enough that I won't have to fear my computer being hacked in the two week period that I am leaving it up?
Thanks for any advice.
ï-- Dave M G Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Kernel Pentium D Dual Core Processor PHP 5, MySQL 5, Apache 2
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] VNC and security
- From: Scott Robbins
- Re: [tlug] VNC and security
- From: Edward Middleton
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