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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]RE : Re: [tlug] ideas for wiki
- Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2006 16:49:07 +0100 (CET)
- From: leon calvaud <>
- Subject: RE : Re: [tlug] ideas for wiki
I summarise here in this thread ideas for the Tlug wiki.
- Linux support for Japanese exclusive hardware
-Creating a wiki article where people can leave their suggestions for further development of the wiki without cluttering up the mailing list
-A section where technical meeting presentation notes, movie files and what not can be placed.
-A section devoted to registering a LUG in Japan as an NPO. Hopefully this can help coordinate efforts to getting TLUG NPO status.
-A section for gathering information on helping organizations recycle old equipment using FOSS. Maybe even gather enough information to help a Freegeek like organization be established near Tokyo.
-a section that describes how to install japanese language at any linux distribution (all tutorials i saw are some years old and often not up-to-date because very old versions of software)
-Japan is world capital of electronics/robotics. Why not make some articles or a section of wiki about this? this could be as example describe beginning of electronics, interacting with environnement, protocols/standards in use, some projects and applications running, software used...
-an article with Tlug projects running and/or a kind of a roadmap...
-tips/tutorial for some free softwares...
-link section (sorted by topic)
-organise sections like graphics(all about graphics) /softwares (same with softwares) ....
-section presentation of Tlug, TLug is an active organisation that have projects and organize meetings (include some photos of past meetings)....hmm maybe not appropriated...(obsolete idea)
-documentation about different solved problems (section with threads of the archive part of mailling list), need a search engine(probably included with wiki)
I propose some other ideas (should be discussed):
-kind of a disclaimer (warn for bad posting, but shouldn't make a beginner affraid by seeing it)
-a trial section (for being familiar with tags)
-a glossary or redirection to pages that explain words
-a member list with profile ? (should be discussed)
-help section
-research simple/advanced (tags into articles...?)
thanks to discuss about points/subjects that are not clear for you of if you want to add some other functionnalities.
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- References:
- RE : Re: [tlug] ideas for wiki
- From: leon calvaud
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