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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] GPL V3
- Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 13:21:01 +0900
- From: <>
- Subject: [tlug] GPL V3
Title: MessageWhat are people's oppinions about the discussion draft for GPL V.3?My oppinion is that the original draft was just as jacked up as a lot of the hype suggested it was, but that the second draft is starting to look a lot better. :-)They reworded their "anti-drm clause" for one. Ok, so it was never officially called that, but even they cannot denny that is what the wording was geared towards. And they have softened their wordings concernign use in specific devices. I still do not completely like the way it is worded, but it is getting better. :)
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