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Re: [tlug] outsourcing email service

Scott Robbins wrote:
I would rather we had complete control of it, but the way things are
right now with us, I would only have time for it if it worked right the
first time with no problems.
I would say our experience has been generally positive though not
perfect.   By not perfect, I mean there have, of course, been times when
something wasn't going through and it took them time to troubleshoot,
however, in general, I would say we're happy with them.  They're NY
based, though their datacenters are in various places.    (However, not
the far East, and I suspect you'd prefer something closer to you.)

They are reasonably priced, and had a year's introductory offer.
Whether or not it was cheaper than to do it in house, I don't know,
however, they are, as you said, able to do it fulltime rather than as
one of many other things they have to do.

- --
Scott Robbins

Thank you for the personal perspective.

What is the company?


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