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Re: [tlug] What, no Perl programmers around here? ;-)

, Josh Glover <> wrote:
But really, Lyle, no need to say things like "a certain professor
resident in Japan here will come riding to the defense of the
indefensible". What does that accomplish, other than making you sound
slightly petty? I don't mean this in an offensive way, I just want you
to think about it.
Well, Josh, thank you for your concern, but you do remember the
firestorm that happened a few years ago?  And several smaller fires
after that.  I really do find it odd that sophistry is honored more
than reality when it comes to certain obvious facts.  How many
reasonable people would say that Microsoft undercharges?  Not many,
but through sophistry, it was said.  And I didn't mention the
professor's name this time - but you did.  So who's pouring gasoline
on a smoldering fire?



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