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Re: [tlug] Small detail - file icons


Thanks for responding.

1. Check the permissions on the files coming from VMware player.
Compare them to locally downloaded files. Any difference?
Yes. Oddly enough, the from-VMWare files seem to more permissive as compared to another file that is displaying it's icon correctly. I checked two PDF files:
from-VMWare: -rwxr--r--
regular file: -rw-r-----

2. Does Nautilus have a "rebuild thumbnail" option?
Hmm... a bit of a search around the GUI, and on Google hasn't turned up anything. But, of course that still leaves open the possibility that I've simply missed it somewhere.

3. What happens when you move a from VMware file to a difference
location, or rename it?

Unfortunately, this has no effect. With most files, it does. Sometimes when I've downloaded a file from the web or something, it will first show up as a "bland", non-thumbnail icon. But then if I simply click on it to give it focus, the thumbnailer seems to "wake up", and it will change to a nice thumbnail icon. Sometimes this will happen when I move files around, even just changing their position on the desktop.

But with the from-VMWare icons, this is not the case. Renaming and/or moving them doesn't seem to help either.

How odd.

Is it a MIME-type or resource fork issue? These aren't terms I really grasp, but I know that back in the day they had relevance when copying files back and forth from Windows and Mac.

Dave M G

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