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Re: [tlug] Video of the next meeting...


I am new to the list and i'm interesting in watching past videos. I
also can offer a free hosting of those videos on my server (located in
canada). I've seen LUG in several countries now and so far your group
is the best :) I won't be able to participate in upcoming meeting, but
i would love to come up with some interesting material to talk about
in the further meetings. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu!


On 7/25/06, Ragga Muffin <> wrote:
25.7.2006 kello 15:01, Zev Blut kirjoitti:
> On Tue, 25 Jul 2006 11:50:32 +0900, Keith Bawden <>
> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> Unfortunately I will not be able to make the next meeting :-( I was
>> really looking forward to the scheduled presentations.
>> Will there be a video taken of and subsequently made available?
> I will most likely bring a camera, so there should be videos made.
> When we get them transcoded and up on the web is another story though.

Hi folks,

I'll bring the camera as usual.
But maybe we  really need to think about the distribution...

IMHO transcoding is somewhat a secondary problem. We will
need room and bandwith for 90-300 MB of material per presentation
  depending on length and required quality... any thoughts ?


TLUG Technical Meeting  Saturday, 29 July

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