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[tlug] Call for TLUG presenters for 2006-07-29 meeting


We have moved the technical TLUG meeting from July 15th to July 29th,
So please do not show up to Wallstreet Associates this Saturday.  Now
onto to the groveling.

We need presenters for our July meeting.  Would any of you like to
present?  If so please send an email to the TLUG Admin list in
addition to my email address.  It is important to add the TLUG Admin
address to your offer, because I will not be able to check my email
next week.

If there is not enough people willing to talk then we also had ideas
about doing a Window Manager/Desktop Environment show and tell
meeting.  If this is more interesting then we need about 4 to 6 people
to choose a Window Manager / Desktop environment to present in
addition to making a comparison to a number of features that we should
select from the TLUG mailing list.  Currently, I can think of WM/DEs
like XFCE, WMII, fluxbox, Gnome, KDE, and such.

Thanks in advance,

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