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Re: [tlug] print setup: letter vs. A4; Postscript module for HP LJ4+

Michal Hajek wrote:

> Ok, I have found the manual and I checked _on_the_printer_itself_ that
> the papersize there is A4. 

> Anyway this was not the cause of the problem. 

Bummer. Sorry it didn't work. 

> With postscript module you perhaps refere to some part which should be
> bought and/or installed inside the printer. In that case, I am afraid,
> there is no such module.  

Postscript is nice because it is the lingua france of printers, 
especially in Linux. Search for something like lj4+ postscript 
at Ebay to add the nice thing. I see two for sale at $48 each 
(in the US). Postscript is nice to have, but you can (and have) 
live without it. Even with Postscript, you still have a nice printer. 

Postscript is not related to your papersize problem. 

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