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Re: [tlug] hello from a new / old member

David Stibbe <> writes:
> Evan Monroig wrote:
>>> Why not just block passwords and use keys.
>> How do you do that?
> By using RSA keys (or Kerberos, which is not recommended over the 
> internet) .
>> I saw also the "UsePAM" setting, but it seems to control not only
>> password authentication, but "all authentication types", as the man page
>> says.
> Is it on ? Because that would explain why you can still login using a pwd.
> PAM , Pluggable Authentication Modules, is most likely the worst acronym 
> they could've chosen, since it handles the whole deal of authentication 
> AND authorization; it is a great product though. However, PAM will not 
> be able to help you in this case.

Thanks for the explanation ! I disabled it, and it worked as expected:
kick me if I try without ssh key, and allow me in if I have the correct
one ^^.


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