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Re: [tlug] unicode and Perl- how to pass command line unicodearguments

>>>>> "Ian" == Ian Wells <> writes:

    Ian> On 13/02/06, Stephen J. Turnbull <> wrote:

    >> It's probably possible to program in this style in Perl, too,
    >> but Perl believes that anything that can't be implicit should
    >> be made so obscure that it might as well be implicit---it won't
    >> be pleasant. ;-)

    Ian> Seems unnecessarily complicated to worry about which type
    Ian> your variable is like that.

It's necessary.

    Ian> Works in my head, anyway.  Admittedly, I've never seen anyone
    Ian> pass unicode parameters before, so that's a new problem...

To you.  I've been dealing with such problems for 15 years.

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