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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Fw: Re: Kanji Email on XP: Mozilla vs. Firefox/Thunderbird(Re: font encoding for mozilla)
- Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 20:52:43 -0500
- From: Jim <>
- Subject: [tlug] Fw: Re: Kanji Email on XP: Mozilla vs. Firefox/Thunderbird(Re: font encoding for mozilla)
This is the first of several letters that Steve accidentally took private. Begin forwarded message: Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 15:45:34 -0800 (PST) From: To: Jim <> Subject: Re: Kanji Email on XP: Mozilla vs. Firefox/Thunderbird (Re: [tlug] font encoding for mozilla) Jim wrote: > Set up a CD so that she can use Thunderbird on her husband's > computer without changing _anything_ on that computer. Great idea. This would allow her to do kanji from work as well as from home -- maybe. The other problem here is that the account she wants to use is supplied from work and may have other difficulties. She can get it through her account at home, but it sounds like they have some kind of security setup -- but I'm not sure what yet. What I'm afraid of is that she has some kind of a remote desktop she uses for work, but I still haven't actually seen her system. And at this point I don't think she quite understands the difference. > > What else does she need to do? Kanji email is it, but that in this case may be a lot, especially since I'm still learning how all of this works myself. My shotgun approach has worked several times. I know what I did, but I don't know what part of what I did made things work. I can't see anything that says "Use this font for display of ISO2022." Probably that would have been too easy. I see that by default a serif font is used to display Japanese, and am looking into whether ISO8059 is a subset of ISO2022 or what (?). I think there is something that says "use this font if you can't find that one..." but don't understand how that works either. I'm just paying the learning curve. Actually, both she and I are learning, and she has even more to learn than me. My real problem here is that if I screw things up she might kill me or (gulp) worse.
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