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- Subject: Unidentified subject!
FHi everyone. It is a bit off topic but I am wondering if anyone has specific cell = phone knowledge. Phone: Sony A5404S network: AU I always turn my phone off at night and leave it in the charger. On Tuesday morning Sony had done an automatic firmware/software upgrade = of some sort. This means that they must have access to the root of my phone as = probably do all networks. This brings into question the security aspect. How secure is your = personal data? My guess is NOT AT ALL! Therefore anyone out there with keitai specific knowledge = that wants to write A personal phone firewall program? With all the current flack over Sony's roootkit protection on CD's they probably do not need any more flack. Or do they? Makes you think doesn't it! Regs Trevor. --=20 No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.19/231 - Release Date: = 1/16/2006 =20
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