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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]RE: [tlug-digest] [tlug] Not Skype
- Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2005 12:34:54 +0900
- From: <>
- Subject: RE: [tlug-digest] [tlug] Not Skype
Title: MessageI have used "skype out", which is their PC to phone service, and it worked fairly well. I am not sure what the bandwidth was for the connection, since I was at a hotel at the time. As soon as I get a new microphone, I will be testing it out on a WiFi connection.They have a test number that you can call to test the service out. The test number is free to call, so you don't have to purchase credits first. If you do purchase credits, they have a minimum purchas of 10 Euros, which was right arround $7.80USD at the time of my purchase.Heh, I was in Hong Kong, and had to call an American bank. ^_^ So, the purchase was worth it at the time. I will find out if it still is when I get to use it again.PC to PC there are a lot of good services out there. PC To Phone, not so many.-----Original Message-----On 12/23/05, Stephen J. Turnbull <> wrote:
From: Ian Wells []
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 8:18 PM
Subject: [tlug-digest] [tlug] Not SkypeSkype just lost a potential customer.
I am not personally Skype-averse, but I know several people who have problems with it. Has anyone compared the alternatives?
Personally I've used MSN messenger with some success, and better quality than Skype, PC-to-PC; and Google's offering is at least a bit more open source... Not actually paid the money for SkypeOut, but I suspect it will only take one more really dodgy call with Brastel...
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