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Re: [tlug] Not Skype

On 24/12/05, Edward Middleton <> wrote:

> You can do VoIP fine with open sources software it just requires a bit
> more effort to set everything up.

Yes, I have successfully* videoconferenced with my brother-in-law
using GnomeMeeting on my end (he was using NetMeeting, of course).

* where "successfully" is defined as: he could hear us, and we could
both see and hear him; he could not see us, despite our video feed
being sent out correctly.

The allure of Skype is that it *does not* take extra effort to set up.
Or any effort, for that matter. And that is cool with me--I just want
to talk to my family on the other side of the world for cheap.

When I have time to really get geeky with VoIP, sure, I will dive into
Asterisk. Of course, I will still have to figure out a way to get
"out" to a normal phone line to call my Grandmother, who has no

Skype is providing value-adds, and I am comfortable using
closed-source or proprietary solutions when they provide more value to
me than having the source would provide (to wit: I love VMware). I am
a pragmatist, not an Open Source / Free Software idealist /

Please note that I am not passing judgement on those who *are*
dedicated to promulgating Open Source / Free Software (please note I
hate the acronym FLOSS--unwieldy!); I think the world is a better
place for having people like that. I just am not one.

However, I do almost always choose Open Source because having access
to the source is of tremendous value to me. This *almost always*
trumps other considerations.

This is also why I use the BSD licence for all of my projects: I want
to provide the source with no strings attached. If it is useful, use
it how you see fit. Even if how you see fit is in a closed source,
proprietary project.



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