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Re: [tlug] Free Linux for Desktop Newbies ?

Note: Jonathan's message came in garbled when I viewed it with GMail,
but I was able to de-garble it (sorry for the vocabulary creation!)
and copy-paste it into the message, but now it's not indented - as
follows - LHS:

On 12/21/05, Jonathan Q <> wrote:
I'll throw my endorsement of Ubuntu in here (or Kubuntu, if you prefer
KDE).  I first tried it when it was still in beta leading up to Warty
(4.10) and by the time Hoary (5.4) was released, I had replaced all of
my Debian Sarge and Sid installs with Kubuntu.  It really won me over,
as it has a lot of others.  It's Ubuntu's first stable release was
only in October of 2004, and the first public beta was not long before
that.  In a pretty short period of time, it has gone from being the new
kid on the block to one of the most popular distros out there.  IMO that
popularity is well-justified.

My first attempt with an old DEC 200MHz box failed, but I'm interested
in it now, so I'll give it a try when I get suitable hardware to test
it with.  Thanks for the tip!


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