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Re: [tlug] Japanese on CentOS4.1

Maurod Sauco wrote:

>NOP! .. You shouldn't you are not taking into account the scope of those environment variables. 
>You are just source-ing them from the current shell (process) and making them available for that particular process .. but provably the rest of you GUI apps are being kicked out by a separate process (maybe your WM). Now, depending on how you are starting X and you VM, .bash_profile could or could not make sense. if you are entering a run-level that drops you into a vt then you manually kick xinit, startx, or watever, then it makes sence, but if you are going straight to to a login manager from init, it does not. In both cases I think .xinitrc is the file that will work best.
Hi All,

tnx, Mauro, ii setsumei da yo. Ok, will do as suggested. On another 
level, I created a file with scottros suggested script on his page,


At some point, I got into a habit of only calling these variables when I 
needed them, and made a little script.

XMODIFIERS='' LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8 ${1+"$@"} &

Then, I might call mutt, for example, with mutt


[ ~]$ cat
XMODIFIERS='' LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8 ${1+"$@"} &

 and ran both f/fox and t/bird from it,

[ ~]$ ./ thunderbird

 but, still no option for J input with Ctrl-space. Cheers.

Mark Sargent.

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