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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] how to keep track of one's work... another 'BestPractices' question
- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 06:55:41 +0900 (JST)
- From: "Micheal E Cooper" <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] how to keep track of one's work... another 'BestPractices' question
- User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.3a-11.EL3
Input from Larry Stanbery: ------------ You could use a wiki... [like] PmWiki. I've found that there's a plug-in for doing a calendar there, and have tried it a bit for doing logs. I have to keep project logs for my development folder, so I played with it a bit -- unfortuntately, I didn't have a system I could keep that running on regularly, so I had to stop, but we might have a permanent linux server now, and I might be able to restart that process. My 2 bits. Oh, btw, I had exchanged some emails some time ago with Sacha about PIMs and such -- she's got some ideas and experience in that arena. You might also consider a PDA, and sync that to a system. If it's linux based, it would be pretty easy to set up Apache and a small wiki on it, then sync that (via rsync) to another server there. (Oh, I purposefully sent this to you only -- though feel free to reduce for the list.) ------------ Posting this to the list for the benefit of archive searchers and other members. The PDA is, of course, on my mind, though I hadn't thought of installing Apache and a wiki on the PDA and then using rsynch. That is wild. I go to Yamada Denki whenever I can to drool over the Zaurus CL-3000 and walk away knowing that I cannot afford an 80,000 yen PDA. (If anyone knows where I can get one for under 50,000, please tell.) The wiki is great, and I still use it for relatively-static information, but for timestamped entries it seems unsuited. Another concern is the fact that, if I wanted to move all the built-up material in a wiki over to text or some other format, I would have to clean out the wiki codes. The last reservations are (1) that I cannot just pop the wiki into my usb key memory, and (2) that finding exactly what I want quickly is just not practical. Or maybe I just don't know how. Through reading Sacha's website, I came across another site where people were discussing the one-big-text-file approach, and from there, I came across the Archie project, which is now on my list of things to try out, along with Sacha's Emacs planner-mode. They both facilitate the one-big-text-file approach. Sacha's site: One Big Text File discussion: The Giles Turnbull post that started it: The link to Archy cited in a post to the Turnbull discussion: For over two years, I have been working out of a directory of text files, separated by topics and function (todo, contacts, one journal per day, etc.), and I am happy with it, especially the ability to rescue the files with a small USB memory key. However, there are limitations, which is why I have asked TLUG for the best-practices of experienced users.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] how to keep track of one's work... another 'BestPractices' question
- From: Sacha Chua
- Re: [tlug] how to keep track of one's work... another 'BestPractices' question
- From: David Santinoli
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