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Re: [tlug] SuSE 10

Scott Robbins wrote:

[LHS] through a two-machine KVM switch... until now.  Hopefully, the loss of
mouse support in the middle of the install (not a big issue since I can
just use the Tab key) will go away upon completion of the upgrade, but
I'm  not optimistically hopeful and expect the problem to persist.  Is
it asking too much to expect PS/2 mouse support?
KVM switches can give problems with all sorts of operating systems.  2
years ago, I couldn't switch from a BSD box without having the mouse go
crazy when I went back to it.   Now my FreeBSD boxes are fine, but (and
this ~might~ have only started happening with 2.6 kernels, but my memory
is hazy) nowadays, I find that several different Linux distributions are
prone to mouse problems on a KVM.
So, I don't think this is SuSE per se, I suspect it's the KVM switch,
and possibly the kernel.
At any rate, I suspect the trouble lies, not in SuSE's mouse support but
in handling the KVM.
Are newer KVM switches any better?  Or am I just going to have to 
abondone them?  I hope not, as I don't have the physical space to hook 
up a monitor for each and every computer....
........  Durring that pause I spilled a cup of green tea into my 
kayboard.... %^#%#%$#%#%$!!!!  I dumped it out and shook it, and the 
keys seem to be working, but the sound seems muffled... uh oh......

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