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Re: [tlug] GPS

Hi Josh,

On Thu, 2005-10-06 at 15:39 +0900, Josh Glover wrote:
> Does anyone have experience with a cheap GPS unit that they could
> recommend?

I was using this unit at my summer job:

It's realatively cheap (~ 200 CAD) and it's easy to use. The drawbacks
are that it only has a serial interface to the computer and it may not
have base maps for Japan. Also, I only used it with the windows
software, I don't know what kind of linux support it has.

I was able to get between 8m - 30m accuracy but the unit did not seem to
record the accuracy information, it only displayed it. I'm not sure if
that is good enough for your purpsoses though.

I considered buying one for myself, but the biggest hold up was the
serial interface - I would probably buy one if it had a USB interface.

Feel free to ping me with more questions if you have any.

Cheers, Ben

Ben Konrath
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