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Re: [tlug] OT: a good ogg vorbis portable player?

Hector Akamine wrote:

>Can a happy owner of an ogg vorbis portable player recommend me a good
>model that can be purchased in Japan? I was in Yodobashi last weekend
>and was impressed by the variety of models, but (unsurprisingly) most
>only support just MP3 or the evil WMA. Is the quality of .ogg players
>good enough or need to wait for the next generation (if there's one)?

Or maybe not - the salespeople tend to only know what management has 
told them in too many cases.  When I got an MP3 player there (an 
iAudio), I was told that it wouldn't properly play .wav files, but in 
fact it does with no problem whatsoever.  In my life so far, what sales 
people say is wrong 80% of the time......

Assuming it is right though.... is it a firmware issue?  I wonder if 
there are aftermarket firmware downloads that would fix the problem?


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