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Re: [tlug] Script Kiddy Defence Script

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On Thu, 9 Jun 2005 18:02:47 +0900 (JST)
Joe Larabell <larabell@?jp> wrote:

> > Yes, I'm planning to do that. Not sure yet which other attacks are
> > worth considering...  maybe port scans, exploit tests via http...
> > well, if someone has ideas, let me know.
> I wrote a short perl script to scan a weblog in real-time looking for
> the typical IIS exploits. In my case, I was less forgiving, in that I
> blocked the IP until the following midnight (just because I didn't
> want to have to deal with counting down timeouts and the like -- just
> run a cronjob to clear out the SHITLIST chain at midnight every day.
> It cut down on a lot of crud in the web logs. I'll send you the
> script if you're interested.

Yes, sounds interesting (even though I don't like perl at all ;-).

  Michael Reinsch <>            

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