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Re: [tlug] A semi-related question

>>>>> "Botond" == Botond Botyanszki <> writes:

    Botond> On Mon, 25 Apr 2005 18:25:36 +0900
    Botond> "Stephen J. Turnbull" <> wrote:

    >> However, the GTK+ and GNOME libraries _do_ infect your code
    >> with the GPL, AFAIK (I believe they are distributed under the
    >> GPL).

    Botond> They are distributed under the LGPL.

Ah, thanks!  I know where to find the license texts, but I forgot
where Debian puts the permissions notices ... it's under
/usr/share/doc/PACKAGE, not /usr/share/PACKAGE, it turns out.

BTW, Qt is distributed under the GPL or QPL, not under the LGPL.  So
GTK+ is still "freer" than Qt.

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