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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Toolbar button problem (uim-toolbar-gtk-systray, icewm)
- Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2005 08:17:41 +0900
- From: "Edmund Edgar (mailing list account)" <>
- Subject: [tlug] Toolbar button problem (uim-toolbar-gtk-systray, icewm)
- User-agent: Opera M2/7.54 (Linux, build 751)
I'm the input-method switching tool uim-toolbar-gtk-systray to allow me to switch between alphabet mode and Japanese input by clicking a button on the toolbar. (The window manager is IceWM.) I have this installed in two different places. One of them works fine. There's a little button which shows an "a" when I'm in alphabet mode. (This is a standard Debian install) In the other, the buttons have a little rounded frame around them which hides part of the "a". (This is a livecd based on Knoppix 3.7 J) This seems to happen regardless of the IceWM theme. Does anyone know what might be causing the little rounded frame on the button to appear/not appear, or what I might be able to do to make the second install work like the first one? Edmund Edgar -- Ichi Tarou Is Innocent!
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Toolbar button problem (uim-toolbar-gtk-systray, icewm)
- From: Botond Botyanszki
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