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Re: [tlug] HELP! A possible Linux Rescue CD for my Japanese files!

David Bennett wrote:

>I was hoping someone could shed light as to WHY SLAX IS THE ONLY LIVE
>CD that can read the NTFS file system!?! If I could figure this out I
>could perhaps get Knoppix Japanese or Berry (another Japanese live cd)
>to read it and save the files.  the other possibility is allowing SLAX
>to read japanese filenames, but once again, when it comes to linux I
>am clueless as to how to do this...
Have you checked the differences between the several Live CD you tried ? 
Kernel versions ? Modules loaded or available ?

>(while I was typing this I realized that since Slax doesn't have
>Japanese or Japanese fonts installed, I am not sure that mounting with
>a charset change will do much good... alas, I will give it a try.)
Errr... Right :-/

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