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[tlug] Re: Dec 10 TLUG Nomikai/Bonenkai

"Zev Blut" <> writes:

> For those of you who are worried that the party will end at 21:00,
> you should not worry too much. It appears that we are not under a
> time limit at the TOWNCRYER. So it is quite likely that a number of

The party was still quite lively when I left at 10:30. Pity I had to
go all the way back to Yokohama! I'd have loved to stay later. I'm
looking forward to January's technical meeting, then. (Don't you dare
cancel it.)

For the person who was looking for Shift-JIS Samba stuff (sorry,
didn't quite catch your name):

<pokepoke> Pictures! (And captions, please; even without alcohol, I
doubt I'll be able to match names and faces...)

Sacha Chua <> - open source geekette - PGP Key ID: 0xE7FDF77C
interests: emacs, gnu/linux, personal information management, CS ed
applying as a Debian new maintainer | looking for a grad school

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