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Re: [tlug] [Really unforgivable blatant advertising omitted]

>>>>> "Hershel" == Hershel Remer <> writes:

    Hershel> Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me!!


    Hershel> First, I don't appreciate being called names.

Then don't behave in a way appropriate to them.

    Hershel> Second, I consider Scott Stone a friend of mine.

I'm glad you said so, otherwise I never would have been able to guess.
And how is your other good friend and teacher, Larry Canter?  (Style
tells, you know.)

    Hershel> but I thought you might even be looking forward to that
    Hershel> news. I guess I was wrong.

You're absolutely right; you were wrong.  Someone able to write a book
worth reading would have known better than to send that post.

    Hershel> Fourth, I apologize if I offended anyone, but is it
    Hershel> REALLY that unforgiveable?

Well, to be precise, forgiveness is possible.  But it will take more
than I think you're capable of to achieve it.

    Hershel> Fifth, how does my one little harmless email really upset
    Hershel> the start of your whole week?

For one thing, by being 1/5000 of the UCE I expect to receive this
week.  I've gotten used to not getting it via TLUG, though.

For another, the contrast with the civility of last week's discussion
is appalling.  But then, you weren't here for that thread, were you?

However, I'm feeling much better now.

Jamie-can-I-join-Really-Bad-Attitude-now-ly y'rs,

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