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Re: [tlug] mozilla

On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 07:34:08 +0900
"Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon" <> wrote:

> Ah.... so the program grabs memory, uses it, loses it, and keeps 
> grabbing more... resulting in ever less available memory?  Sounds quite 
> nasty... is this a common problem?  Does it do this while open or only 
> in opening and closing the program?  Hopefully not while open......

Yes, these are the most common reasons. 

1. A programme when it finishes using a bit of memory doesn't release it
or the release fails
2. Doesn't remember that is already has memory and askes again

The language C is notorious for these problems.

Once the programme is terminated the OS will normally release all the


Brett Robson 
Systems Administrator
GOL, Tokyo.
Phone: 03-3239-6856    International: +81-3-3239-6856

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